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Conditions we treat with tTMS

We use Targeted Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (tTMS) for the treatment of Depression and Anxiety. Many of us will experience these conditions at some level but roughly 1 in 6 of us are affected more seriously.



Depression is more than simply feeling unhappy or fed up for a few days.


Most people go through periods of feeling down, but when you're depressed you feel persistently sad for weeks or months, rather than just a few days. Some people think depression is trivial and not a genuine health condition. They're wrong – it is a real illness with real symptoms. Depression is not a sign of weakness or something you can "snap out of" by "pulling yourself together".


The good news is that with the right treatment and support, most people with depression can make a full recovery.



Depression affects people in different ways and can cause a wide variety of symptoms.

These range from lasting feelings of unhappiness and hopelessness, to losing interest in the things you used to enjoy and feeling very tearful. Many people with depression also have symptoms of anxiety.


There can be physical symptoms too, such as feeling constantly tired, sleeping badly, having no appetite or sex drive, and various aches and pains.


The symptoms of depression range from mild to severe. At its mildest, you may simply feel persistently low in spirit, while severe depression can make you feel suicidal, that life is no longer worth living.


Note: This information was abridged from the NHS website where is a depression self-assessment test



Anxiety is a feeling of unease, such as worry or fear, that can be mild or severe.


Everyone has feelings of anxiety at some point in their life. For example, you may feel worried and anxious about sitting an exam or having a medical test or job interview. During times like these, feeling anxious can be perfectly normal.


However, some people find it hard to control their worries and their feelings of anxiety are more constant and can often affect their daily lives.


Anxiety is the main symptom of several conditions, but the following information is about a specific condition called generalised anxiety disorder (GAD).  GAD is a long-term condition that causes you to feel anxious about a wide range of situations and issues, rather than on specific event. People with GAD feel anxious most days and often struggle to remember the last time they felt relaxed.



Anxiety can cause both psychological (mental) and physical symptoms.

These vary from person to person, but can include:


  • feeling restless or worried

  • having trouble concentrating or sleeping

  • dizziness or heart palpitations

GAD is a common condition, estimated to affect up to 5% of the UK population at any time.


Note: This information was abridged from the NHS website.



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